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FAT KIDS: Truth and Consequences

Fat Kids: Truth and Consequences is an informational vault of deeply personal tales and essential information, focusing on the lives, questions, and concerns of parents and children living in a “childhood obesity crisis.” Unlike most books about weight, however, Fat Kids is not a dieting or weight loss how-to; it instead explores the true human experiences and often untold science outside the current political positioning on children and weight. This book powerfully combines interviews, relevant research, social anecdotes, personal author accounts, and the reality of children struggling with weight, to create a narrative that is profoundly poignant, accessible, and essential for understanding our current “war on fat.” Fat Kids: Truth and Consequences is a truly unique work; all other books focusing on children and weight are solely focused only on diet and weight loss. This book, with its empathetic point of view, raw emotion, and solid information, is a necessary voice in the literary scene. - Beaufort Books

Available Oct 16, 2014

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Published by Beaufort Books

Anyone who cares about the future of our kids needs to read this book. - Mandy Stadtmiller, deputy editor of xoJane

Fat Kids is a fascinating and important book. At a time when we are bombarded with unrealistic media and celebrity images, and endlessly critical social media, parents and children need a source of accurate information and empathy. Truly, everyone can and should read this book because as a culture we have a lot to learn about the subject and Fat Kids is a wealth of information in a compelling and moving read. - Mark Ebner, New York Times bestselling author Hollywood, Interrupted, and Six Degrees of Paris Hilton

As a one-time Fat Kid still scalded by memories of diets, ridicule, shame, and anxiety, and as a grown-up raising daughters in a society still preoccupied with a patently unhealthy ideal, I found Rebecca Jane Weinstein's FAT KIDS to be both a consolation and a not-always-nostalgic walk down memory lane. Informative, surprising, moving, and funny -- sometimes all at once -- FAT KIDS is an essential read for Fat Kids and the people who love them, and should be an obligatory one for everyone else. – Christopher Sorrentino, Los Angeles Times and Publishers Weekly acclaimed author, and National Book Award finalist for Trance.

Often equally heartbreaking and heartwarming, Rebecca Jane Weinstein's Fat Kids reveals that the  so-called war on obesity isn't saving anyone; instead it's wreaking havoc on the emotional sanity of innocent and perfectly normal children. This book is a must read for anyone who was or has a fat child. - Lindsey Averill, documentary filmmaker “Fattitude”

Fat Kids: Truth and Consequences tells the real-life stories behind being a fat kid.  At this critical juncture, kids are struggling – fat kids, skinny kids, girl kids, and boy kids.  The pressure to be thin is overwhelming.  The devastation that is happening to kids because of weight, bullying, shame, fear, pills, surgeries, and profound pain is ever growing.  The childhood obesity crisis around the world may be troubling, but not only because kids might be fatter.  And everyone, kids, their parents, and all the well-meaning people trying to protect these kids from their fat bodies, needs to know the truth and consequences.  We must not focus only on their fat; we must protect kids’ hearts, souls, and sanity as well.  These are stories of fat kids, former fat kids, and kids who think they are fat.  Their stories need to be told.  They will make you cry, and then they will make you think.


* * *


Whether an “epidemic” or a “war,” children are in midst of a battle for their lives, for their physical, emotional, and social existence.  As fat kids, those who are perceived as such or even just those who simply feel fat, children, as they grow into teenagers and adults, are struggling in ways more profound than the media or even the medical establishment would lead us to believe.  And it’s not primarily because of deadly pounds; the issues are far more complex then that.  Although discussion is at a fever pitch now, it has been decades in the making.  There is nothing new about children on diets, children on diet pills, children in intense weight loss programs such as camps and schools.  But now it is in the news, and the message is one of life and death. 


Whether that message leads to weight loss, lifestyle changes, responses from the food industry, and happier, healthier children, is certainly unclear.  In fact it is so unclear, the truth and consequences are rarely discussed.  What is even more hidden is the struggle, often lifelong, that is burdening these children.  From shame, to bullying, eating disorders, feelings of self-defeat, lack of self-esteem, and all of the emotional and physical costs of what is so often a frustrating and even futile battle – fat kids are impacted by being fat, and the expectation of becoming thin, in ways most people cannot comprehend.


It is time their stories are told.     


Fat Kids: Truth and Consequences is a narrative nonfiction account of people’s life experiences growing up fat and being the parents of fat children, the methods that were used to cause weight loss, and the outcomes of these experiences.  Heartfelt and often heartbreaking real-life stores are paired with expert discussion of important issues of the day, such as stigma and bullying, the psychological ramification of being a fat child in our culture, and the medical science behind weight.  The book includes honest and forthright portrayals in a memoir-esque storytelling style, used to illustrate the serious information presented by subject matter experts.


Contributors to Fat Kids are: Sarah Yahm, MA; Emily J. Dhurandhar, PhD; Peggy Elam, PhD; Pattie Thomas, PhD; and writer Daniel Pinkwater.

Copyright © Rebecca Jane Weinstein 2022.  All rights reserved.


Issues include:fat sex, fat kids, fat shaming, binge eating disorder, obesity in America, causes of obesity, obesity in children, childhood obesity statistics, causes of childhood obesity, childhood obesity prevention

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